Bruce Bell 1984-85 Scoring Log

Regular Season Breakdown

Points Summary
Goals 6
Assists 31
Points 37
Games with Points 28 games
Points by Period
First 13
Second 9
Third 15
OT 0
Points by Situation
Even Strength 26
Power Play 11
Short-handed 0
Points by Opponent
Goals by Arena
Montreal Forum 2
Maple Leaf Gardens 1
The Spectrum 1
Boston Garden 1
Buffalo Memorial Auditorium 1

Regular Season

Regular Season Table
Rk Date Tm Opp Scr P Time Goal Scorer Primary Assist Secondary Assist Goalie
11984-10-20QUE@TOR5-1217:28PPBruce BellMichel GouletAnton ŠťastnýKen Wregget
21984-10-31QUE@HAR0-1103:52EVTony McKegneyBruce BellDale HunterGreg Millen
31984-10-31QUE@HAR3-3308:46EVPeter ŠťastnýMarián ŠťastnýBruce BellGreg Millen
41984-11-06QUEWIN2-2218:35EVBo BerglundBruce BellRandy MollerBrian Hayward
51984-11-13QUELAK1-1202:52PPMichel GouletBruce BellPeter ŠťastnýDarren Eliot
61984-11-18QUE@CBH4-3314:17EVAnton ŠťastnýPeter ŠťastnýBruce BellMurray Bannerman
71984-11-20QUECBH1-1313:05EVAndré SavardBruce BellMurray Bannerman
81984-11-24QUENYR5-0208:21EVTony McKegneyBruce BellRandy MollerJohn Vanbiesbrouck
91984-11-25QUE@NYR0-0100:58PPJ.F. SauvéBruce BellMichel GouletGlen Hanlon
101984-11-25QUE@NYR1-0109:22PPAndré SavardBruce BellMichel GouletGlen Hanlon
111984-12-06QUE@PHI0-0117:36PPBruce BellMario MaroisPeter ŠťastnýPelle Lindbergh
121984-12-08QUENJD0-0104:50PPMichel GouletBruce BellWilf PaiementGlenn Resch
131984-12-08QUENJD3-2305:39EVAnton ŠťastnýPeter ŠťastnýBruce BellGlenn Resch
141984-12-08QUENJD5-2313:10EVPeter ŠťastnýBruce BellAnton ŠťastnýGlenn Resch
151984-12-09QUE@BUF3-4318:56EVMario MaroisBruce BellAnton ŠťastnýTom Barrasso
161984-12-13QUE@BOS0-3114:16EVDale HunterBruce BellMichel GouletDon Sylvestri
171984-12-13QUE@BOS2-5301:49EVBruce BellWilf PaiementDon Sylvestri
181984-12-29QUEPIT6-2301:10EVBrent AshtonPeter ŠťastnýBruce BellDenis Herron
191984-12-29QUEPIT8-2309:17EVMichel GouletBruce BellDale HunterDenis Herron
201985-01-02QUEHAR0-1203:25PPPeter ŠťastnýAnton ŠťastnýBruce BellGreg Millen
Rk Date Tm Opp Scr P Time Goal Scorer Primary Assist Secondary Assist Goalie
211985-01-05QUE@PIT4-2213:46EVMark KumpelRandy MollerBruce BellRoberto Romano
221985-01-13QUEDET1-1115:28EVAnton ŠťastnýBruce BellPeter ŠťastnýCorrado Micalef
231985-01-19QUEBOS0-1109:37PPBrent AshtonBruce BellMario MaroisPete Peeters
241985-01-19QUEBOS1-1206:32PPBrent AshtonBruce BellPeter ŠťastnýPete Peeters
251985-01-22QUETOR1-0301:48EVPeter ŠťastnýBruce BellJ.F. SauvéTim Bernhardt
261985-01-24QUE@MTL0-2119:13EVBruce BellJ.F. SauvéPeter ŠťastnýSteve Penney
271985-01-24QUE@MTL2-3316:30EVBrent AshtonJ.F. SauvéBruce BellSteve Penney
281985-01-24QUE@MTL3-3318:31EVBruce BellPeter ŠťastnýSteve Penney
291985-01-25QUEBUF3-1310:03EVJean-Marc GaulinAlain CôtéBruce BellBob Sauvé
301985-01-27QUE@BUF0-1202:15EVBruce BellPeter ŠťastnýJ.F. SauvéTom Barrasso
311985-02-10QUE@HAR0-1107:09PPBrent AshtonBruce BellAlain LemieuxGreg Millen
321985-02-19QUELAK5-6311:28EVAlain LemieuxMichel GouletBruce BellDarren Eliot
331985-02-22QUE@EDM0-5218:01PPBrent AshtonPeter ŠťastnýBruce BellAndy Moog
341985-03-02QUEPHI1-1117:01EVAnton ŠťastnýBruce BellAlain LemieuxBob Froese
351985-03-13QUEMNS0-0103:33EVAlain LemieuxBruce BellAnton ŠťastnýGilles Meloche
361985-03-18QUE@BOS1-0107:11EVAnton ŠťastnýPeter ŠťastnýBruce BellDoug Keans
371985-03-31QUE@BUF0-2303:00EVPeter ŠťastnýBruce BellAlain LemieuxTom Barrasso

Playoffs Breakdown

Points Summary
Goals 2
Assists 2
Points 4
Games with Points 3 games
Points by Period
First 1
Second 2
Third 1
OT 0
Points by Situation
Even Strength 2
Power Play 2
Short-handed 0
Points by Opponent
Goals by Arena
Quebec Coliseum 1
Montreal Forum 1
Goals by Goalie
Steve Penney 2
Assists by Scorer
Alain Lemieux 1
J.F. Sauvé 1
