Clint Smith 1937-38 Scoring Log

Regular Season Breakdown

Points Summary
Goals 14
Assists 23
Points 37
Games with Points 28 games
Points by Period
First 15
Second 12
Third 9
OT 1
Points by Situation
Even Strength 32
Power Play 5
Short-handed 0
Points by Opponent
Goals by Arena
Madison Square Garden (III) 8
Montreal Forum 3
Maple Leaf Gardens 1
Boston Garden 1
Chicago Stadium 1

Regular Season

Regular Season Table
Rk Date Tm Opp Scr P Time Goal Scorer Primary Assist Secondary Assist Goalie
11937-11-14NYR@BOS0-3314:02EVButch KeelingClint SmithTiny Thompson
21937-11-14NYR@BOS1-3315:10EVBabe PrattClint SmithTiny Thompson
31937-11-20NYR@MTM1-0212:45EVClint SmithBabe PrattBill Beveridge
41937-11-27NYR@MTL0-0108:40EVJoe CooperClint SmithBobby KirkWilf Cude
51937-12-05NYRBOS0-0108:18EVClint SmithLynn PatrickCecil DillonTiny Thompson
61937-12-11NYR@TOR1-0110:49EVCecil DillonLynn PatrickClint SmithTurk Broda
71937-12-11NYR@TOR5-2316:01EVClint SmithCecil DillonLynn PatrickTurk Broda
81937-12-12NYR@DET0-0200:18EVLynn PatrickClint SmithCecil DillonNormie Smith
91937-12-19NYRMTL0-0103:49EVCecil DillonClint SmithLynn PatrickWilf Cude
101937-12-23NYR@MTM1-0212:28EVClint SmithLynn PatrickBill Beveridge
111937-12-23NYR@MTM2-0310:55EVLynn PatrickCecil DillonClint SmithBill Beveridge
121937-12-28NYR@BOS0-2206:16EVClint SmithLynn PatrickTiny Thompson
131937-12-31NYRBOS1-0117:14PPLynn PatrickCecil DillonClint SmithTiny Thompson
141938-01-04NYRNYA0-2111:42PPCecil DillonClint SmithMac ColvilleEarl Robertson
151938-01-08NYR@TOR0-1218:17EVCecil DillonClint SmithTurk Broda
161938-01-09NYRDET2-1307:25EVCecil DillonClint SmithBabe PrattNormie Smith
171938-01-13NYRDET1-1117:31EVCecil DillonClint SmithNormie Smith
181938-01-13NYRDET2-3310:53EVClint SmithCecil DillonBobby KirkNormie Smith
191938-01-16NYR@NYA1-0218:19EVClint SmithArt CoulterEarl Robertson
201938-01-23NYRMTM2-2216:40EVClint SmithLynn PatrickArt CoulterBill Beveridge
Rk Date Tm Opp Scr P Time Goal Scorer Primary Assist Secondary Assist Goalie
211938-01-23NYRMTM3-2218:22EVCecil DillonClint SmithLynn PatrickBill Beveridge
221938-01-23NYRMTM4-2317:10EVCecil DillonClint SmithBabe PrattBill Beveridge
231938-01-27NYR@MTL0-1116:05EVCecil DillonClint SmithWilf Cude
241938-01-30NYR@CBH1-1OT00:59PPClint SmithCecil DillonMike Karakas
251938-02-01NYRCBH2-0118:53EVLynn PatrickNeil ColvilleClint SmithMike Karakas
261938-02-10NYR@DET2-0118:49EVLynn PatrickClint SmithNormie Smith
271938-02-12NYR@MTM3-2206:43PPClint SmithLynn PatrickNeil ColvilleBill Beveridge
281938-02-13NYRMTM2-0314:06EVCecil DillonClint SmithBill Beveridge
291938-02-24NYRCBH0-0103:22EVClint SmithCecil DillonLynn PatrickMike Karakas
301938-02-24NYRCBH1-0113:06EVClint SmithOtt HellerLynn PatrickMike Karakas
311938-02-26NYR@TOR0-0115:41PPLynn PatrickClint SmithTurk Broda
321938-02-27NYR@CBH1-0116:35EVJoe CooperCecil DillonClint SmithMike Karakas
331938-03-06NYR@NYA0-0108:22EVLynn PatrickClint SmithEarl Robertson
341938-03-08NYRTOR1-1212:09EVClint SmithTurk Broda
351938-03-08NYRTOR2-1218:34EVClint SmithCecil DillonLynn PatrickTurk Broda
361938-03-17NYRNYA1-2203:36EVLynn PatrickJoe CooperClint SmithEarl Robertson
371938-03-17NYRNYA3-3302:51EVCecil DillonClint SmithOtt HellerEarl Robertson

Playoffs Breakdown

Points Summary
Goals 2
Assists 0
Points 2
Games with Points 1 games
Points by Period
First 0
Second 1
Third 1
OT 0
Points by Situation
Even Strength 2
Power Play 0
Short-handed 0
Points by Opponent
Goals by Arena
Madison Square Garden (III) 2
Goals by Goalie
Earl Robertson 2
Goals by Assister
Neil Colville 1
Mac Colville 1
Assists by Scorer
