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Frequently Asked Questions
How old is Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre?
Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre is 48 years old.
When was Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre born?
Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre was born on February 2, 1977.
Where was Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre born?
Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre was born in Montreal, Canada.
How tall is Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre?
Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre is 6-3 (190 cm) tall.
How much did Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre weigh when playing?
Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre weighed 225 lbs (102 kg) when playing.
Is Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre in the Hockey Hall of Fame?
Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre has not been elected into the Hockey Hall of Fame.
How many goals did Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre have?
Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre had 7 goals over his career.
How many points did Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre have?
Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre had 20 points over his career.
How many Stanley Cups has Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre won?
Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre has never won a Stanley Cup as a player.
When did Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre retire?
Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre last played in 2004.
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