Vic Stasiuk 1956-57 Scoring Log

Regular Season Breakdown

Points Summary
Goals 24
Assists 16
Points 40
Games with Points 30 games
Points by Period
First 13
Second 13
Third 14
OT 0
Points by Situation
Even Strength 31
Power Play 9
Short-handed 0
Points by Opponent
NYR 10
Goals by Arena
Boston Garden 16
Detroit Olympia 2
Montreal Forum 2
Maple Leaf Gardens 2
Madison Square Garden (III) 1

Regular Season

Regular Season Table
Rk Date Tm Opp Scr P Time Goal Scorer Primary Assist Secondary Assist Goalie
11956-10-11BOSTOR3-3302:31EVJohnny PeirsonCal GardnerVic StasiukEd Chadwick
21956-10-21BOS@DET0-2116:48PPVic StasiukJohnny PeirsonDoug MohnsGlenn Hall
31956-10-21BOS@DET2-3314:42PPVic StasiukDoug MohnsJohnny PeirsonGlenn Hall
41956-10-27BOS@MTL0-0202:07PPCal GardnerFern FlamanVic StasiukJacques Plante
51956-11-01BOSCBH3-2310:09EVVic StasiukLarry ReganAl Rollins
61956-11-01BOSCBH4-2317:42EVVic StasiukJohnny PeirsonJack CafferyAl Rollins
71956-11-04BOSNYR1-1303:24EVJohnny PeirsonCal GardnerVic StasiukGump Worsley
81956-11-07BOS@NYR0-1212:47PPVic StasiukCal GardnerGump Worsley
91956-11-07BOS@NYR2-1305:42EVJohnny PeirsonVic StasiukGump Worsley
101956-11-07BOS@NYR3-2319:55EVDoug MohnsVic StasiukDon McKenneyEmpty Net
111956-11-08BOSDET0-1111:05EVVic StasiukFern FlamanGlenn Hall
121956-11-08BOSDET1-1208:41EVVic StasiukGlenn Hall
131956-11-10BOS@MTL0-1204:34EVJerry ToppazziniCal GardnerVic StasiukGerry McNeil
141956-11-15BOS@CBH0-0108:04PPAllan StanleyVic StasiukDoug MohnsAl Rollins
151956-11-18BOSTOR2-1211:08EVVic StasiukCal GardnerDoug MohnsEd Chadwick
161956-11-22BOSNYR2-4316:27EVFleming MackellVic StasiukJerry ToppazziniGump Worsley
171956-11-25BOSTOR1-1215:50EVJohnny PeirsonVic StasiukFern FlamanEd Chadwick
181956-12-02BOSCBH1-1116:16PPVic StasiukJohnny PeirsonDoug MohnsAl Rollins
191956-12-08BOSDET0-0105:00EVJohnny PeirsonVic StasiukCal GardnerGlenn Hall
201956-12-13BOSCBH1-1307:37EVVic StasiukCal GardnerBob ArmstrongAl Rollins
Rk Date Tm Opp Scr P Time Goal Scorer Primary Assist Secondary Assist Goalie
211956-12-15BOS@MTL1-6313:45EVVic StasiukJohnny PeirsonFern FlamanJacques Plante
221956-12-15BOS@MTL2-6314:36EVVic StasiukJohnny PeirsonDoug MohnsJacques Plante
231957-01-06BOS@CBH1-2116:12EVVic StasiukAllan StanleyCal GardnerAl Rollins
241957-01-12BOS@MTL0-3219:05EVCal GardnerJohnny PeirsonVic StasiukJacques Plante
251957-01-20BOSTOR0-0108:12EVCal GardnerDoug MohnsVic StasiukEd Chadwick
261957-01-26BOSNYR0-3215:19EVVic StasiukJohnny PeirsonBob ArmstrongGump Worsley
271957-01-27BOSMTL3-1202:39EVCal GardnerAllan StanleyVic StasiukJacques Plante
281957-01-27BOSMTL4-1302:39EVVic StasiukJohnny PeirsonJacques Plante
291957-02-02BOS@MTL0-1119:28EVLeo LabineVic StasiukDon McKenneyJacques Plante
301957-02-03BOSNYR2-1214:30EVVic StasiukJohnny PeirsonCal GardnerGump Worsley
311957-02-06BOS@NYR0-1119:04EVCal GardnerDoug MohnsVic StasiukGump Worsley
321957-02-13BOS@TOR1-1119:00PPVic StasiukDoug MohnsJohnny PeirsonEd Chadwick
331957-02-23BOS@TOR2-2217:57EVJohnny PeirsonVic StasiukEd Chadwick
341957-02-23BOS@TOR3-2302:31EVVic StasiukJohnny PeirsonDoug MohnsEd Chadwick
351957-03-07BOSDET0-0103:26EVVic StasiukFern FlamanCal GardnerGlenn Hall
361957-03-10BOSTOR2-3319:25EVVic StasiukFleming MackellEd Chadwick
371957-03-17BOSCBH2-2116:42PPVic StasiukCal GardnerJohnny PeirsonAl Rollins
381957-03-17BOSCBH4-2211:30EVVic StasiukBob ArmstrongJohnny PeirsonAl Rollins
391957-03-23BOSNYR0-2115:30EVVic StasiukLeo BoivinGump Worsley
401957-03-23BOSNYR1-3211:41PPVic StasiukCal GardnerJohnny PeirsonGump Worsley

Playoffs Breakdown

Points Summary
Goals 2
Assists 1
Points 3
Games with Points 2 games
Points by Period
First 1
Second 0
Third 2
OT 0
Points by Situation
Even Strength 3
Power Play 0
Short-handed 0
Points by Opponent
Goals by Arena
Boston Garden 2
Goals by Goalie
Glenn Hall 2
Goals by Assister
Johnny Peirson 1
Fern Flaman 1
Assists by Scorer
Cal Gardner 1
