Hooley Smith 1933-34 Scoring Log
Regular Season Breakdown
Goals | 18 |
Assists | 19 |
Points | 37 |
Games with Points | 22 games |
First | 8 |
Second | 14 |
Third | 12 |
OT | 3 |
Even Strength | 31 |
Power Play | 5 |
Short-handed | 1 |
Montreal Forum | 11 |
Madison Square Garden (III) | 3 |
Maple Leaf Gardens | 2 |
Chicago Stadium | 2 |
Charlie Gardiner | 6 |
Roy Worters | 4 |
George Hainsworth | 2 |
Lorne Chabot | 2 |
Bill Beveridge | 2 |
Baldy Northcott | 7 |
Jimmy Ward | 3 |
Herb Cain | 1 |
Cy Wentworth | 1 |
Bill MacKenzie | 1 |
Baldy Northcott | 9 |
Jimmy Ward | 5 |
Herb Cain | 2 |
Glenn Brydson | 1 |
Dave Trottier | 1 |
Regular Season
- Search all Hooley Smith goals in the Goal Finder
Playoffs Breakdown
Goals | 0 |
Assists | 1 |
Points | 1 |
Games with Points | 1 games |