Bob Kelly 1978-79 Scoring Log

Regular Season Breakdown

Points Summary
Goals 7
Assists 31
Points 38
Games with Points 27 games
Points by Period
First 12
Second 16
Third 10
OT 0
Points by Situation
Even Strength 36
Power Play 2
Short-handed 0
Points by Opponent
Goals by Arena
The Spectrum 6
Buffalo Memorial Auditorium 1

Regular Season

Regular Season Table
Rk Date Tm Opp Scr P Time Goal Scorer Primary Assist Secondary Assist Goalie
11978-10-22PHIATF1-5317:00EVReggie LeachMel BridgmanBob KellyDan Bouchard
21978-10-29PHIVAN0-0106:02EVBob KellyBarry DeanMel BridgmanGlen Hanlon
31978-11-04PHI@BOS5-2214:41EVMel BridgmanBob KellyJim Pettie
41978-11-08PHI@LAK1-0108:56EVBlake DunlopBob KellyBill BarberMario Lessard
51978-11-08PHI@LAK3-1210:30EVBlake DunlopDrew CallanderBob KellyMario Lessard
61978-11-25PHI@PIT0-0207:51EVPaul EvansBob KellyMel BridgmanDenis Herron
71978-12-03PHITOR0-0103:25EVDon SaleskiPaul EvansBob KellyPaul Harrison
81978-12-07PHINYR0-0104:22EVPaul EvansDon SaleskiBob KellyWayne Thomas
91978-12-07PHINYR1-0106:48EVBob KellyDon SaleskiPaul EvansWayne Thomas
101978-12-09PHIBOS7-2314:35EVBob KellyDave HoydaGerry Cheevers
111978-12-30PHI@STL0-3214:49EVPaul HolmgrenBob KellyMel BridgmanPhil Myre
121979-01-06PHI@NYI0-4207:02EVMel BridgmanBob KellyTom GorenceGlenn Resch
131979-01-14PHINYI0-1112:48EVTom GorenceBob KellyJimmy WatsonGlenn Resch
141979-01-18PHIBUF2-3216:39EVBob KellyBobby ClarkeBob DaileyDon Edwards
151979-01-20PHI@MTL2-4303:03EVTom GorenceMel BridgmanBob KellyKen Dryden
161979-02-04PHIATF0-0103:01PPBob KellyMel BridgmanRick LapointeDan Bouchard
171979-02-04PHIATF4-1212:36EVTom GorenceMel BridgmanBob KellyRéjean Lemelin
181979-02-14PHI@TOR0-2218:11EVTom GorenceBob KellyMel BridgmanMike Palmateer
191979-02-14PHI@TOR1-2315:09EVMel BridgmanBob KellyMike Palmateer
201979-02-15PHIBOS1-2119:23EVMel BridgmanAndré DupontBob KellyJim Pettie
Rk Date Tm Opp Scr P Time Goal Scorer Primary Assist Secondary Assist Goalie
211979-02-15PHIBOS2-3219:17PPTom GorenceMel BridgmanBob KellyJim Pettie
221979-02-15PHIBOS3-3302:50EVTom GorenceMel BridgmanBob KellyJim Pettie
231979-02-23PHI@CLR4-3311:18EVTom GorenceBob KellyMel BridgmanMichel Plasse
241979-02-24PHI@LAK0-1118:19EVMel BridgmanBob KellyMario Lessard
251979-02-24PHI@LAK2-1211:00EVTom GorenceBob KellyMel BridgmanMario Lessard
261979-03-01PHI@BOS0-2208:13EVBehn WilsonBob KellyGerry Cheevers
271979-03-04PHI@BUF1-1207:51EVMel BridgmanBob KellyBob Sauvé
281979-03-04PHI@BUF3-1302:49EVBob KellyRick LapointeBob Sauvé
291979-03-04PHI@BUF5-1318:06EVMel BridgmanRick LapointeBob KellyBob Sauvé
301979-03-06PHICLR0-0100:51EVMel BridgmanRick LapointeBob KellyBill Oleschuk
311979-03-17PHIBUF1-1216:45EVBlake DunlopBob KellyTom GorenceBob Sauvé
321979-03-18PHISTL1-0204:30EVBlake DunlopBob KellyEd Staniowski
331979-03-23PHI@ATF0-1208:53EVMel BridgmanBob KellyDan Bouchard
341979-03-23PHI@ATF3-1307:18EVTom GorenceMel BridgmanBob KellyDan Bouchard
351979-03-25PHIWSH0-0103:19EVBob KellyMel BridgmanBob DaileyGary Inness
361979-03-27PHI@NYR3-4317:06EVMel BridgmanRick LapointeBob KellyWayne Thomas
371979-04-01PHINYR1-0111:07EVMel BridgmanBob KellyJohn Davidson
381979-04-01PHINYR5-2218:23EVMel BridgmanTom GorenceBob KellyJohn Davidson

Playoffs Breakdown

Points Summary
Goals 1
Assists 1
Points 2
Games with Points 2 games
Points by Period
First 2
Second 0
Third 0
OT 0
Points by Situation
Even Strength 1
Power Play 1
Short-handed 0
Points by Opponent
Goals by Arena
The Spectrum 1
Goals by Goalie
John Davidson 1
Goals by Assister
Tom Gorence 1
Mel Bridgman 1
Assists by Scorer
Mel Bridgman 1
