Harold Jackson 1942-43 Scoring Log
Regular Season Breakdown
Goals | 0 |
Assists | 4 |
Points | 4 |
Games with Points | 3 games |
First | 0 |
Second | 2 |
Third | 2 |
OT | 0 |
Even Strength | 4 |
Power Play | 0 |
Short-handed | 0 |
Les Douglas | 1 |
Syd Howe | 1 |
Don Grosso | 1 |
Mud Bruneteau | 1 |
Regular Season
- Search all Harold Jackson goals in the Goal Finder
Rk | Date | Tm | Opp | Scr | P | Time | Goal Scorer | Primary Assist | Secondary Assist | Goalie | ||
1 | 1943-02-07 | DET | TOR | 0-1 | 2 | 09:56 | EV | Les Douglas | Harold Jackson | Joe Carveth | Turk Broda | |
2 | 1943-02-07 | DET | TOR | 2-1 | 2 | 17:16 | EV | Syd Howe | Harold Jackson | Mud Bruneteau | Turk Broda | |
3 | 1943-03-06 | DET | CBH | 3-0 | 3 | 04:03 | EV | Don Grosso | Eddie Wares | Harold Jackson | Bert Gardiner | |
4 | 1943-03-18 | DET | CBH | 5-4 | 3 | 12:24 | EV | Mud Bruneteau | Syd Howe | Harold Jackson | Bert Gardiner |
Playoffs Breakdown
Goals | 0 |
Assists | 1 |
Points | 1 |
Games with Points | 1 games |